Donate Monthly - Support Just Food

Help build more just, vibrant and sustainable food and farming systems in the Ottawa region by supporting Just Food! 

We are a grassroots, non-profit organization that runs the Community Gardening Network, Savour Ottawa (a local food promotional initiative), the Ottawa Buy Local/Grow Local Food Guide, and the Just Food Farm, among other initiatives. 

 The Just Food Farm is an exciting initiative on NCC Greenbelt land, on which we:

  • run a Start-up Farmer Training Program;
  • host the Karen Community Farm;
  • lease to long-term producers like Nanabush Food Forests, Radical Homestead, and The Wild Garden;
  • host children and youth educational tours and programs; and,
  • much, much more!  

Individual donors provide critical core funding to our organization, bolstering all our programs.

You can support Just Food through monthly pre-authorized deductions from your credit card or paypal account. By making a regular monthly donation, you strengthen our financial stability by providing known and sustained funding throughout the year, helping us to budget.

Who's donating: from donated. Thank you!